Comments on: Best 2017 Electric Scooters for Kids – Only the Top 20 Reviewed! The Best Biking Site to help you buy your bike & gear... Thu, 30 Mar 2017 14:26:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ari James Tue, 20 Sep 2016 00:03:19 +0000 its your opinion and I respect it. So I expect a little more respect on your side.
The razor E300 has been the best seller for a long time and other sites have been recommending it, too.
About the battery, you are right that it does not last more than an hour, but we clearly stated that it lasts just 40 minutes of continous use.
I have ridden scooters for a long time and I would not buy a Razor E300 for myself because I am not a kid and we are recommending it for kids here!
We believe that a kid of an average of 6-13 years old would be more than happy with a scooter like this. It is safe and easy to use. Anyone can use it without a problem. And it runs at a speed that is not dangerous and neither, can we consider it slow.
Have a nice day!

By: Steve Mon, 19 Sep 2016 18:46:22 +0000 The Razor E300 has a low-tech lead-acid battery (fire hazard) and weighs 54 lbs, and you recommend that scooter as best?
It runs for less than an hour in good conditions….
You obviously have never actually ridden a scooter before.

There are much better ones that the terrible razor.
I understand people can be wrong, but I think you are being obviously deceptive.
I will be leaving reviews regarding your shill scam everywhere I can leave them.

You should feel terrible lying to people just to make a few affiliate link click dollars. is a TOTAL scam that produces garbage articles with ABSOLUTELY ZERO actual research.
